Free Teacher Appreciation Printable Gift Card Holder

The end of the school year is coming (yikes!) and if you're anything like me, teacher appreciation week sneaks up…

Worldwide Sisterhood Relief Society Birthday Celebration

It's been several weeks now since I was in charge of our Relief Society birthday celebration, and a week or…

Customized Art Prints

Have you ever had customized art prints in your house before? If you're not a graphic designer or haven't commissioned…

8 Books to Build Your Blogging Knowledge

Reading and learning have always been important to me. In college, I studied literature and my nose was always in…

Oh The Places You’ve Lived (Map Decor)

Ooh, I'm excited to share this with you today. I added this fun piece to my life preserver gallery wall…

Twenty-Five Minute T-shirt Refashion

If you've got 25 minutes and a too-big tee, you're going to love this Anthropologie inspired t-shirt refashion. Several years…