Business Card Holders

Business Card Holders | Mabey She Made It #sewing #businesscardholder #fabriclabel

So last week I was able to go to my first blogging conference (SNAP!) and it was amazing. I worked on updating my business cards, got them printed, and was happy with how they turned out. But I knew that I wanted to do something a little special with some of them.

I’d also been wanting to try out this business card holder tutorial by the Crafty Cupboard for a while now. And they didn’t seem to involved so I made up about 22 of them–for my roommates, myself, and some extras for handing out when the moment struck me.

Business Card Holders | Mabey She Made It #sewing #businesscardholder #fabriclabel

They were pretty fun to make, actually, although when you make 22 it takes a while. I followed Melanie’s tutorial as is except that I wanted to add a little label to the inside of each one that would remind the recipient of where they got it from. So after hemming the pocket pieces I added the labels.

Business Card Holders | Mabey She Made It #sewing #businesscardholder #fabriclabel

For the labels, I designed a little logo with “Mabey She Made It” on an aqua background (like my blog header) small enough to fit on 3/8″ taffeta ribbon and repeated it until I had enough labels. Then, you flip your image so it’s mirrored, print it on transfer paper (but NOT on a laser printer). Cut those little labels out, iron them onto your ribbon, and then cut and sew the labels onto one of your pocket pieces, leaving room for seam allowances.

Business Card Holders | Mabey She Made It #sewing #businesscardholder #fabriclabel

I really like the little added detail they give the finished product. They’re simple and not overwhelming, but they are branded.

I won’t get into how much fun it was to hand them to a few sewing bloggers that I admire though…I’d get all sappy. But you know what? I didn’t bring enough of them with me on the first day (and I didn’t have a good plan for who I wanted to give them to) so I have a few extras.

Would you like one? Let’s do a giveaway for three of them! If you’re in the US, feel free to enter!

Business Card Holders | Mabey She Made It #sewing #businesscardholder #fabriclabel

a Rafflecopter giveaway

41 responses to “Business Card Holders”

  1. Jamie @ Anderson & Grant Avatar

    So cute! (And so nice of you to make some to share!) I can’t wait to hear about your time at SNAP!

    1. Lisa Avatar

      Everyone needs something cute to keep their cards in, right? 🙂

  2. Kimberlee Avatar

    These are really cute – love the different fabrics.

    1. Lisa Avatar

      Thanks, Kimberlee! It was a lot of fun picking them out. I wanted to do more, but time was more limited than my scrap pile. 🙂

  3. LydiaF Avatar

    So cute! I’ve entered the contest 🙂 The email subscription link in the rafflecopter resulted in an error so I subscribed to your blog via the mail chimp link.

    1. Lisa Avatar

      Thanks for letting me know, Lydia! I’ve updated the code, so it should work now. And subscribing the other way is perfect too.

  4. rebecca lopez Avatar

    I love that Melanie, I used her tutorial last year for SNAP too. I still carry my business card holder around. Love them. These are adorable! So glad you got to come to SNAP and that we finally met in person!

    1. Lisa Avatar

      Yes, she is pretty great. And this tutorial is one of those evergreen posts that people will find useful and fun for a LONG time. 🙂 I’m so glad I got to meet you as well–hopefully we can work together again in the future!

  5. Julie Avatar

    These are great, and what a cute use of just tiny scraps of fabric. Another project for my “to do” list! I love the label making tip too, thanks.

    1. Lisa Avatar

      These are great scrap busters. I thought they’d take a lot more fabric than they really did!

  6. Jennfer Avatar

    I love these how fun!

    1. Lisa Avatar

      Thanks, Jennifer! They’re really useful AND fun!

  7. Mindie Hilton Avatar
    Mindie Hilton

    These are sew cute, and beats just throwing them in my purse, as they are now. I would love to win.

    1. Lisa Avatar

      Mindy, that’s exactly what I was doing too! They were floating around and then I’d pull one out to give it to someone and have to wipe crumbs off–talk about embarrassing! Not any more though. 🙂

  8. melanie Avatar

    I love how pretty these card holders are! I’d love for you to come link them up at my Skip The Housework party!

  9. Meredith A Hazel Avatar

    I made some similar holders last year for SNAP! Love your color combos and patterns 😉

    1. Lisa Avatar

      Thanks, Meredith~ they’re so handy it makes sense that people love them for conferences. 🙂

  10. Kristy O Avatar

    These are adorable! I really want to make one for my business cards. Pinning to remember, thanks for sharing!

    1. Lisa Avatar

      I’m so glad you like them! And thanks for signing up for my email list. 🙂

  11. Kathleen @ Fearlessly Creative Mammas Avatar

    Love these! Maybe I’ll make it too!

    1. Lisa Avatar

      Thanks, Kathleen!

    1. Lisa Avatar

      Thanks, Amy!

  12. McKenzie @ Girl Loves Glam Avatar

    I can’t believe you made those for your business cards! You are amazing!

    1. Lisa Avatar

      Not for all of them, McKenzie. That would have been WAAAYY to ambitious. I have regular business cards too. But thank you!

  13. Chelsey Avatar

    I love this. Such a cute and creative idea. I hate digging through my wallet to find mine. 🙂

    1. Lisa Avatar

      Thank you, Chelsey! I was digging through my purse all the time, so this is a big lifesaver.

  14. Corey @ TinySidekick Avatar

    I love these! What a perfect thing to keep in my purse. Thanks for sharing at The Makers!

    1. Lisa Avatar

      Thanks, Corey! They are perfect for purses and now when I get out a business card it’s not crumpled or crumbed. 🙂

  15. Rachel @ R & R Workshop Avatar

    Wow these are so cute!! I pinned 🙂

    1. Lisa Avatar

      Thanks, Rach!

  16. Danielle Avatar

    Love these! I’ve made them out of felt before, but I’ve been meaning to make some with regular fabric now that I know how to sew better than I used to.

    1. Lisa Avatar

      How fun, Danielle! They’re pretty simple, so I think they’ll turn out wonderfully!

  17. levitra cheap Avatar
    levitra cheap

    This forum needed shaking up and you’ve just done that. Great post!

  18. assignment help Avatar
    assignment help

    That’s an intelligent answer to a difficult question xxx

  19. JaneEllen Avatar

    Wish I’d known about your business card holder give away. I’m very envious of winners, fantastic prize. Congrats to them.
    Those look so nice, you sure did wonderful job making them. How nice of you to give them away to people. To met that’s a very special prize. I’ll have to look up that tutorial and pin it. I have new pc windows 8.1 and new printer so am still trying to figure out how to print things with it. Why did windows have to make 8.1 so much different and difficult? duh. Yeah you’re probably a master at it. The gal that fixed mine (after some ruthless nasties got me) said many people are having problems figuring out how to use it. I’m not exactly digitally savvy, more like digitally challenged. But I keep trying. Little by little. Have great rest of week.

    1. Lisa Avatar

      Thank you for such kind words about the business card holders. And yes, technology can be quite tricky! Have a great Valentine’s Day!

  20. Debra Avatar

    I’d love to have the pattern for the business card. How can I get a copy?

    1. Lisa Avatar

      Hi Debra, there’s no pattern, just cut dimensions at this link–it should walk you through everything!

  21. Armando penaloza Avatar

    can you make me 2 card holders

  22. Armando penaloza Avatar

    can you make me 2 card holders

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I’m Lisa

Welcome to Mabey She Made It, my cozy corner dedicated to all things homemade and delightful. One of the greatest things I learned while growing up was to know what “home” felt like. Creating feels like home to me, and I’m at home when an idea translates into something beautiful or functional.

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